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"Here she is!" The Great Saratoga Pumpkin Hunt Winner

Meet Elena! The winner of this year's Great Saratoga Pumpkin Hunt.

Elena Pugachenok is one of just under 100 players who submitted their form as part of this year's Great Saratoga Pumpkin Hunt - a two-week scavenger hunt involving 10 pumpkins hidden in downtown businesses.

"I loved finding out about the businesses," Pugachenok said.

Pugachenok and her family found the first 8 pumpkins in one day and had to come back to find the last two. They live in Clifton Park. In order to "win" the contest; applicants had to solve 10 riddles and match the historic landmark painted on the pumpkin with the name of the business they were located in.

The only rules were that the pumpkins had to be visible from outside the building. Some landmarks that had to be identified included the Spirit of Life statue, The Hall of Springs, the Yaddo Gate, the Saratoga Automobile Museum (Bottling Plant) and more.

"It was really fun to participate in the contest. It took me some time, effort, and knowledge to answer all the questions and find all the hidden pumpkins correctly," Pugahenok said.

The historic landmark paintings on each pumpkin were crafted by Cathi Anne Cameron. And, added an extra challenge for players.

"This helps people to get to know the history and culture of our region and brings joy to our lives," Pugahenok said.

For more on this year's pumpkin hunt, read here.

The pumpkins feature the following scenes:

  • The Spirit of Life Statue

  • The Hall of Springs

  • The Yaddo Gate

  • The Saratoga Automobile Museum

  • The Saratoga Race Track

  • Saratoga Health, History and Horses

  • The Adirondack Trust Clock with City Hall is located at:

  • Universal Preservation Hall

  • Hathorn Spring

  • Saratoga Spa State Park

RULES for the business participating:

  1. All pumpkins must be visible from the outside.

  2. The pumpkins must be in a safe place.

  3. Each business must share a HINT to help people find it.

Click here to view the form. or YOU CAN PICK UP FORMS AT IMPRESSIONS OR LIFESTYLES and drop them off by 5 pm on Sunday, October 30th at Impressions, Celtic Treasures or Menges and Curtis to be entered to win a downtown Saratoga Springs Gift Basket. Winners will be notified on November 1st.


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